Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Here is the plaque beneath the beautiful award , designed by Lynn Ford, below. It was too small to see in the photo below, but I thought it would be helpful to see the detail.

Award from the S.A. Conservation Society

This is the Lynn Ford Craftsman award, presented on May 14th, 2010, by the S.A. Conservation Society, for my work in papel picado. this is the first time I can remember, an artist, working in an ephemeral art form, receiving such a reward. However, it is appropriate, that a non-profit, that makes its revenue (and preservation funding) from one of the most successful Fiesta events, would appreciate an art form that screams "CELEBRATION!". I am so honored to have this elegant plaque, designed by the legendary,Lynn Ford, metalsmith, at the Willow Way complex. He will always be an inspiration to me. Viva Lynn, and the S.A. Conservation Society. Thank you for this touching honor.